
Thescrapperonni's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 153 (From 42 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 2,230 Points

Arsenal Online

Medals Earned: 2/8 (10/255 points)

Kills I 5 Points

Get 10 kills

Headshots I 5 Points

Get 10 headshots

Kills II 10 Points

Get 100 kills

Kills III 25 Points

Get 1,000 kills

Headshots II 10 Points

Get 100 headshots

Headshots III 50 Points

Get 1,000 headshots

Expert 100 Points

Earn 4 stars for all game modes

Royalty 50 Points

Prestige your profile

Charge Newgrounds!

Medals Earned: 6/6 (35/35 points)

Charge!! 5 Points

Play Charge Newgrounds!

His Wife Even Told Me They're Having A Kid 5 Points

Complete The Tutorial

3 Hour Truce? 5 Points

Defeat The Enemy Tank On Level 1

Cock Joke 5 Points

Beat Level 1

Go Crunchy Crunchy 10 Points

Run Over Darkman In The Tank On Level 2

Do You Believe Top Gun™ Has Gay Overtones? 5 Points

Beat Level 2


Medals Earned: 6/6 (195/195 points)

10 Seconds 5 Points

Survive for 10 seconds

30 Seconds 5 Points

Survive for 30 seconds in the snow

1 minute 10 Points

Survive for 1 minute

5 minutes 25 Points

Survive for 5 minutes

7 minutes 50 Points

Survive for 7 minutes

10 Minutes 100 Points

Survive to the snow storm

Death To The Humans!

Medals Earned: 4/8 (140/490 points)

Scouter Launched! 5 Points

Launch a scout ship

Let's Get Ready To Rumble! 10 Points

Launch a fighter ship

Bomb's Away! 25 Points

Launch a bomber ship

The Gang's All Here 100 Points

Have 15 ships of each class at launched at once

Frig Off! 50 Points

Launch a frigate ship

All Guns Blazing 100 Points

Launch a cruiser ship

Mouse Breaker 100 Points

Click 10,000 times

Wow! 8 Billion Is A Lot! 100 Points

Complete the game


Medals Earned: 1/18 (10/375 points)

Medium - Surround 10 Points

Finish a medium level using the surround plant.

Easy - Surround 5 Points

Finish an easy level using the surround plant.

Easy - Line 5 Points

Finish an easy level using the line plant.

Easy - Jump 5 Points

Finish an easy level using the jump plant.

Perfect Easy - Surround 10 Points

Gain 6 points on an easy level using the surround plant.

Perfect Easy - Line 10 Points

Gain 6 points on an easy level using the line plant.

Perfect Easy - Jump 10 Points

Gain 6 points on an easy level using the jump plant.

Medium - Line 10 Points

Finish a medium level using the line plant.

Medium - Jump 10 Points

Finish a medium level using the jump plant.

Perfect Medium - Surround 25 Points

Gain 15 points on a medium level using the surround plant.

Perfect Medium - Line 25 Points

Gain 15 points on a medium level using the line plant.

Perfect Medium - Jump 25 Points

Gain 15 points on a medium level using the jump plant.

Hard - Surround 25 Points

Finish a hard level using the surround plant.

Hard - Line 25 Points

Finish a hard level using the line plant.

Hard - Jump 25 Points

Finish a hard level using the jump plant.

Perfect Hard - Surround 50 Points

Gain 28 points on a hard level using the surround plant.

Perfect Hard - Line 50 Points

Gain 28 points on a hard level using the line plant.

Perfect Hard - Jump 50 Points

Gain 28 points on a hard level using the jump plant.

Fruity Tower

Medals Earned: 14/17 (275/385 points)

I'm outta here! 5 Points

Jump out

Bullet Hell 5 Points

Go to the next floor without harming any enemies

Kamikaze Murder 5 Points

Kill a carrot before it explodes

9-5 5 Points

Reach Floor 10

Rotting and Forgotten 10 Points

Reach Floor 20

They're putting chemicals in the vegetables! 10 Points

Reach Floor 30

Wrong Place, Right Time 25 Points

Reach Floor 40

Sweet and Sour 25 Points

Reach Floor 50

Soviet Skydiver 10 Points

Jump out 10 times in one run

Fleischtomate 25 Points

Reach a Max HP of 500 or more

Bye Bye, Applepie 50 Points

Beat the game

Victory Lap 25 Points

Jump out and climb back up again from the bottom after killing the CEO

It's not a hate crime, I loved doing it! 25 Points

Kill 300 enemies in a run

Questionable Ethics 50 Points

Buy the Glock 17 9mm

Overripe 10 Points

Complete a room at 10% of your max health or less

Revolution Any% 50 Points

Beat the game in 45 minutes or less

Entrepreneur 50 Points

Have 50.000 Fruity Bucks on you

Half Hour Hexagon

Medals Earned: 1/28 (5/475 points)

Big Range 5 Points

Survive for a total of 60 seconds in a single run

Ice Bubble 5 Points

Survive for a total of 5 minutes in a single run

Orbital Andy 10 Points

Survive for a total of 10 minutes in a single run

Fire Rate 10 Points

Survive for a total of 15 minutes in a single run

Snapshot 25 Points

Survive for a total of 20 minutes in a single run

Radial Death 25 Points

Survive for a total of 25 minutes in a single run

Lightning Burst 50 Points

Survive for a total of 30 minutes in a single run

Crit Chance 10 Points

Kill 400 Ringer Enemies

Damage Pool 10 Points

Kill 300 Speeder Enemies

Damage Up 10 Points

Kill 300 Wall Enemies

Pinpoint 10 Points

Kill 200 Orbiter Enemies

Thorns 25 Points

Kill 150 Bomb Enemies

Plus One 50 Points

Kill 100 Mother Enemies

Shotgun 10 Points

Kill 300 Pellet Enemies

Attractor 10 Points

Kill 300 Brick Enemies

Rapid 10 Points

Kill 200 Blocker Enemies

Boomerang 25 Points

Kill 150 Bringer Enemies

Tough Luck 10 Points

Purchase the Tough Luck Upgrade

Reassurance 10 Points

Purchase the Reassurance Upgrade

Protection 10 Points

Purchase the Protection Upgrade

Air Control 10 Points

Purchase the Air Control Upgrade

Cumbersome 10 Points

Purchase the Cumbersome Upgrade

Split 25 Points

Purchase the Split Upgrade

Lazy Devs 25 Points

Purchase the Lazy Devs Upgrade

Overwhelming Force 25 Points

Purchase the Overwhelming Force Upgrade

Turnip Seeds 25 Points

Purchase the Turnip Seeds Upgrade

Swarm Intelligence 25 Points

Purchase the Swarm Intelligence Upgrade

Hauling Ass

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/180 points)

Win 10 Points

Beat his ass

"You may slap it once" 5 Points

Beat Singleplayer on Easy

Lose 5 Points

Your ass got beat

Wide Load 10 Points

Beat Singleplayer on Medium

Hard-on 50 Points

Beat Singleplayer on Hard

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Jack 64

Medals Earned: 1/2 (10/60 points)

The Meal 10 Points

Help Jack get to Culvers!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 5/19 (75/485 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

15 5 Points

Reach Layer 15

14 5 Points

Reach Layer 14

13 5 Points

Reach Layer 13

Win 100 Points

Lick the Jawbreaker Completely

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

12 5 Points

Reach Layer 12

11 5 Points

Reach Layer 11

10 10 Points

Reach Layer 10

9 10 Points

Reach Layer 9

8 10 Points

Reach Layer 8

7 10 Points

Reach Layer 7

6 10 Points

Reach Layer 6

5 25 Points

Reach Layer 5

4 25 Points

Reach Layer 4

3 25 Points

Reach Layer 3

2 25 Points

Reach Layer 2

1 50 Points

Reach Layer 1